Introducing the New! HyTek HT-1 eStand.

Tested and demoed in the field over the last 3 years, the HyTek team has been able to fine-tune and refine the original 2011 prototype into a Smart, Safe, Reliable Hunting piece of equipment. Today, with patents pending, the product will be unveiled and introduced to all treestand hunters at the Iowa Deer Classic show in Des Moines, Iowa.
The HT-1 has proven to be an effective product in the field. Similar to a climber stand, we recommend selecting a straight tree for setting up the HyTek HT-1 eStand system. One person setup can be done in an average of 15-25 minutes. Most treestands connect to the HT-1 eDrive system with our provided Treestand Attachment Bracket. Ascend up and descend down with the push of a button on a wireless remote. Three variable speeds allow you to run the rechargeable powered eDrive system from High – 60 seconds, Medium – 90 seconds & Low – 120 seconds. Now, anybody can hunt from an elevated position safely.
HyTek Hunting isn’t just a brand name, it’s WHO WE ARE. We believe in hunting with the best tools available, to give us that edge in the woods when we need it most. With over 10 years of engineering, we’ve accomplished something that’s never been done before, to effectively provide everyone a chance to hunt from an elevated position safely. Now the Young and the Old can have a safer hunting advantage from that elevated position. Our dedication to making hunting better & safer for ALL hunters is now complete and available.
On April 1st, 2021 we will launch a Kickstarter campaign to help us with our company launch. We will have different packages available with large discounts. Please find us on Facebook, Instagram & Youtube, share and spread the word. We appreciate your support and patronage.